写的不错,看了真想哭, 象一部电影似的...旦愿是个男的写的..
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


我想知道这篇文章的背景, 包括作者, 发表时间, 影响力等等, 哪位大人给我介绍将感激不尽..
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


看了文章后去搜索了Orlando 和Viggo照片, 发现有两张确实是小说里提及的那样, 非常的暧昧.
Viggo Mortensen的摸样从我第一眼看到的时候就不能忘怀,那是一张非常有吸引力的男性面孔
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


Viggo Mortensen的摄影作品之一, 帮Orlando摄的,名为Legolas
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


给你个连接自己看吧, 里面还有他儿子的照片,小子真胖啊,哪有他老爹的英气,,
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long




唉,现在被VIGGO那个老家伙迷死了, 他的画真的很有意思, 人又有味道...
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


给大家介绍一个VIGGO的非官方网站, 里面收集有所有关于他的信息, 他的简历, 摄影作品, 绘画作品, 文章等等, 还有很多帅帅的图片.

http://specialrealms.com/VM/index.html (英文网站)
Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


抓到一点ORLANDO和VIGGO的蛛丝马迹, (完了,我什么时候成八卦男了........................
在一个INTERVIEW中当VIGGO被问及他的"所爱"时, 包括他的妻子,孩子,绘画, 摄影, 第16个是这样的-------

16) Designing his own living space: When we were in New Zealand, Orlando (Bloom) and I shared a converted bus. I stocked our own wine cellar and wallpapered the inside with photos. It was a lot of fun.

(设计自己的住所: 当我们在新西兰的时候, ORLANDO和我共用一个房车, 我购买了我们自己的酒窖, 然后用照片把内枪装饰了起来, 真是太有趣了.)

当然采访后面后有他的"不爱" 包括他对美国的外交政策的厌恶 -

2) American foreign policy: I do feel it was ill-advised to ignore so many countries and so many millions of people around the world and in our own country who had very strong feelings about diplomacy. I don't think our government really tried at all. The agenda seemed to be set, and I think that's dangerous.

Without me, without me, everyday is miserable; with me, with me, no night is too long


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