原创的Queer as Folk

本帖最后由 Paradise 于 2009-8-8 03:15 编辑

Queer as Folk原来是一部英国的电视剧,在英国时曾看过一点。也是因为看了美版的才知道这部戏,但是看了之后很失望。不仅剧里人物没有美版的帅气,而且剧情很缓慢。现在摘录一些英版的介绍给大家:
Queer as Folk is a 1999 British television series that chronicles the lives of three gay men living in Manchester's gay village around Canal Street. Both Queer as Folk and Queer as Folk 2 were written by Russell T Davies, who was also responsible for a later gay-related drama, Bob and Rose, and the revival of Doctor Who on the BBC in 2005. The first series was re-shown on More 4 between 14-18 October 2007 as part of Channel 4's 25th birthday celebrations.

Queer as Folk was produced by the independent Red Production Company for Channel 4, which had previously shown its openness for gay-themed material with made-for-TV films such as Beautiful Thing, which was later also given a cinema release. The title of the programme comes from a dialect expression from some parts of Northern England, "there's nowt so queer as folk", meaning "there's nothing as strange as people". Davies had originally titled the series this, although at the suggestion of Channel 4 executives for a period during its development and pre-production it was known as Queer as Fuck, before it reverted to the former name.[1]

本帖最后由 Paradise 于 2009-8-8 03:16 编辑


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