[短篇] 欲窥则窥/Caught Looking [avi][210mb][rayfile][英语无字]


【內容】:Caught Looking (1991)(Caught Looking)
     導 演:Constantine Giannaris
     編 劇:保羅·哈勒姆
     主 演:路易士·塞爾溫 貝特·伯恩 Derek Van Weenen 肯·吉爾裏 Doneagh OLeary
     上 映:1991年
     地 區:英國
     語 言:英語顏 色:彩色時 長:35分鐘
     類 型:短篇

Caught looking screams `Film school'. It's more a film essay than a real movie. It has an interesting scenario and it pays homage to many gay icons of the past but there is not enough known about the main character (even with the voice-over dialogue) to let you care about him. It is visually interesting and made well enough that it held my attention for the 35 minutes of its length but I must confess to being a bit relieved when it ended.

This film was the first half of a VHS put out by Waterbearer pictures with the second half being North of Vortex. Another video essay of the same ilk.



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