原帖由 Fanny1847 于 2007-2-7 12:07 发表


我在想噢 Gale会不会又突然跑到哪里度假去了哩em48 就好像上次去威尼斯Hotel Cipriani度假的时候(嘻嘻 还是被人家‘无意’中拍下来了em46)好像有点邪恶em08

其实还是希望他能够享受一下只属于他自己的时光,不受外人打扰的em21 不过,新工作什么时候才会告诉我们呢?

要不我发email 给Nancy问问...哈哈哈哈哈


原帖由 Fanny1847 于 2007-2-7 12:32 发表

我继续坚持,大 ...

em21 难道Gale怕冷没有去明尼苏达州? 可也不是啊,看他平时穿得也不是怕冷得样子

Fanny,你得签名越看越..em23 中间那张啊~~~那鼻子是怎么长得哩em23


哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Fanny你真可爱em43
Gale这辑签售照真的真的很帅em23em23em23 你干脆把这个签售的所有照片做成一个花痴图文,情人节的时候贴到文区让咱们一起花痴好了em29


原帖由 Fanny1847 于 2007-2-7 16:12 发表


这么说你答应了噢em36  oh yeah~


原帖由 manman76 于 2007-2-7 23:13 发表


原帖由 Sara 于 2007-2-8 00:16 发表



据说是一段挺搞笑的Video,几个粉丝在重演她们遇到Gale时的情景(她们给了一杯龙舌兰给Gale噢 哈哈Gale你看你的粉丝多了解你 XD)



--上不了Myspace的Cora 字 em40


原帖由 sunburst 于 2007-2-12 15:55 发表

em21 我现在米有音箱....


读唇吧你 em06


原帖由 Fanny1847 于 2007-2-12 17:51 发表



-还是上不了Myspace的Cora 字 em40


原帖由 Fanny1847 于 2007-2-12 17:59 发表

粉丝在大叔后面大声喊他:“Gale~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ did you get the tequila?"
然后大叔回头:”yeah,yeah,i got it~~“大叔边回答边挥手,被 ...

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~ 果然很搞笑em43


em23 很多粉丝都这么说...我也是这么听而已em23

想到Gale阔步向前又回头招手的样子就想笑...哈哈 可以想象可以想象~

谢Fanny :)

- 继续上不了Myspace 的Cora 字 em40


原帖由 sunburst 于 2007-2-12 18:27 发表
粉丝喊第一句Gale, did you get the tequila?"
跟着喊第二次Gale, did you get the tequila?em19
某人转身挥手yeah,yeah,i got it.th ...

哈哈哈哈哈哈 每次想到他向前冲的样子就觉得很搞笑~估计是快得非凡em50

转身的时候有笑不?嗯嗯,我猜应该有~ 乖孩子em50 em23


原帖由 lesliemana 于 2007-2-12 19:36 发表

em28 专门是来给cora亲说...
进8鸟滴某只 ...

我也觉得你是故意的= =



原帖由 lesliemana 于 2007-2-12 19:50 发表

伤心啊...5555...em20 em20

这个帖子里面都有啊~没认真看  再pia!em06 自己寻宝去~


2月14日 情人节更新  有Gale的消息啦:loveliness:

原来Gale去了柏林电影节。作为电影Scott Walker: 30th Century Men的Co-Producer(Gale提供的经济上的支持-出钱不出镜),Gale找到一个好借口去柏林度假啦~ 认出他的Gale饭说,她看到Gale的时候他正在找位置坐...哈哈  不过如果是大会名单上的来宾,应该会被安排到前面的座位而不用自己找位置的~所以Gale可能是自己去的 (他之前可是在SLS某场演出后告诉粉丝说他不会去柏林的,这是声东击西还是心血来潮...大家猜猜吧em46)

Gale传了一套黑色的西装,白色衬衫黑色领带 (相信是SLS首映时候的那一套)

噢 还有在SLS期间常带的那顶灰色帽子(粉丝说的...)大概他不在正式的大会名单上,所以他...当然就松松散散地蓄胡子啦~em50 粉丝说他留了胡茬子,大概就是在Wake最后那里那种吧 ( ......为什么又是迷死人不偿命的胡茬子  还真不知道是有意还是无意em23 )

Gale的头发恢复原来的发色啦 :loveliness:  不管大家心目中最爱是brunette Gale 还是blonde Gale,我们还是会记得那个Dr.Sugar滴...霍霍

没有多少人认得Gale,所以他全程都非常放松,心情很好 逛逛这四周看看,逛逛那要杯酒喝的em23 (不知道为什么总想起他傻笑的样子  哈哈) Anyway,他就是心情很好咯~ 这才是最重要的 em50


PS:QAF的导演之一Bruce McDonald也有一部作品入选柏林影展,不知道Gale有没有和他聚聚旧哩em48 目前没有Gale的照片,Bruce的倒是有...

情人节快乐哈 众哈尼em36


原帖由 Fanny1847 于 2007-2-14 22:24 发表
哈哈,终于 ...

因为要耍帅 em50 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

哈哈,我觉得他是个热心人吧(虽然我原来老是觉得他是几杯下肚之后就掏钱那种== 哇咔咔 )
不过他的衣服好像真是换得不多噢~ 之前那件蓝色衬衣就出席过几个场合
看来Gale是个节俭持家又专一得好男人哇em23 (又成一堆HC状==)

其实作为资助人,自己有份参制作得电影有份入围柏林影展,应该挺自豪得吧~而且因为认出他的人不多,所以他可以悠然自得地走走停停 看这看那的~难得自在啊 也为他感到高兴:loveliness: (不过放假归放假 希望Mr. Harold 早点回归 不要让我们等太久了em22 )


不知道为什么我前段时间开始觉得 如果机缘巧合的话,Gale可能会过过导演瘾em21

反正他觉得高兴就行喇 em50



SLS获2007 Drama Desk Award 两项提名:

2007 Drama Desk Award Nominations Announced
By: Brian Scott Lipton

Billy Crudup and Brían F. O'Byrne
in The Coast of Utopia
(© Paul Kolnik)
Broadway stars Beth Leavel and James Naughton announced the nominees for this year's Drama Desk Awards this morning at The Friars Club. The awards honor the best of Broadway, Off-Broadway, and Off-Off-Broadway.
As previously announced, Kristin Chenoweth -- who was nominated as Outstanding Actress in a Musical for The Apple Tree -- will host the awards ceremony on Sunday, May 20 at the F.H. LaGuardia Concert Hall. The event will be telecast by PBS on Sunday, May 27 at 12:30pm and by NYC TV (Channel 25) on Thursday, May 24 at 8pm and Saturday, May 26 at 10pm. The ceremony will be webcast live by TheaterMania.com.

Manhattan Theatre Club's production of LoveMusik, a new musical about the love affair between composer Kurt Weill and singer Lotte Lenya, received 12 nominations -- the most for any show. Three other Broadway musicals, Curtains, Legally Blonde, and Spring Awakening, received 10 nominations each. The Off-Broadway musical In the Heights received nine nominations as well as a special award for Outstanding Ensemble (which meant none of its cast members were eligible for individual awards).

Tom Stoppard's The Coast of Utopia received 10 nominations, the most for any play, while Frost/Nixon and Jack Goes Boating each received four nominations. Company received six nominations, the most for any revival. In total, 34 shows received two or more nominations.

The Broadway show Deuce was declared ineligible by its producers, while Grey Gardens, a winner last year, did not have enough new elements to be deemed eligible. Among the eligible Broadway shows that were shut out of nominations are the revival of A Chorus Line, Prelude to a Kiss, The Vertical Hour, The Times They Are A-Changin', Butley, Translations, and Losing Louie.

In some categories, individuals received multiple nominations. Jerry Mitchell was nominated for both direction and choreography of Legally Blonde; Jonathan Tunick was nominated for his orchestrations of The Apple Tree and LoveMusik; David Korins was nominated for the sets of Essential Self-Defense and Jack Goes Boating; Scott Pask was nominated for the sets of The Coast of Utopia and Blackbird; and Anna Louizos was nominated for the sets of Curtains and In the Heights. Bob Crowley also received two nominations, one for the sets of The Coast of Utopia and one for the sets of Mary Poppins.

This year's nominating committee consists of Barbara Siegel, chairperson (TalkinBroadway.com, TheaterMania.com); Glenda Frank (Plays International, nytheatre-wire.com); Tony Phillips (New York Press); Andrew Propst (Americantheatreweb.com and XM Sattelite Radio); Richard Ridge (Broadway Beat TV); and William Wolf, Drama Desk President (Wolfentertainmentguide.com).

A complete list of nominees and special award winners follows:


Outstanding Play:
David Harrower, Blackbird
Terrence McNally, Some Men
Peter Morgan, Frost/Nixon
Tom Stoppard, The Coast of Utopia
Bernard Weinraub, The Accomplices
August Wilson, Radio Golf

Outstanding Musical:
In the Heights
Legally Blonde
Mary Poppins
Spring Awakening

Outstanding Revival of a Play:
The Hairy Ape
Hedda Gabler
Journey's End
Talk Radio
The Taming of the Shrew

Outstanding Revival of a Musical:
110 in the Shade
The Apple Tree
Di Yam Gazlonim!
H.M.S. Pinafore
Les Miserables

Outstanding Actor in a Play:
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jack Goes Boating
Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon
Brían F. O'Byrne, The Coast of Utopia
Christopher Plummer, Inherit the Wind
Liev Schreiber, Talk Radio
Kevin Spacey, A Moon for the Misbegotten
Paul Sparks, Essential Self-Defense

Outstanding Actress in a Play:
Eve Best, A Moon for the Misbegotten
Orlagh Cassidy, The Field
Blythe Danner, Suddenly Last Summer
Jennifer Mudge, Dutchman
Sandra Oh, Satellites
Annie Parisse, The Internationalist
Meryl Streep, Mother Courage and Her Children

Outstanding Actor in a Musical:
Michael Cerveris, LoveMusik
Raúl Esparza, Company
John Gallagher, Jr., Spring Awakening
Jonathan Groff, Spring Awakening
David Hyde Pierce, Curtains
Martin Short, Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me

Outstanding Actress in a Musical:
Ashley Brown, Mary Poppins
Laura Bell Bundy, Legally Blonde
Kristin Chenoweth, The Apple Tree
Audra McDonald, 110 in the Shade
Lea Michele, Spring Awakening
Donna Murphy, LoveMusik

Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play:
Anthony Chisholm, Radio Golf
Billy Crudup, The Coast of Utopia
Boyd Gaines, Journey's End
John Ortiz, Jack Goes Boating
Andrew Polk, The Accomplices
Frederick Weller, Some Men

Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play:
Myriam Acharki, Woyzeck
Xanthe Elbrick, Coram Boy
Sarah Nina Hayon, Rearviewmirror
Jan Maxwell, Coram Boy
Martha Plimpton, The Coast of Utopia
Rita Wolf, The American Pilot

Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical:
Brooks Ashmanskas, Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me
Christian Borle, Legally Blonde
Aaron Lazar, Les Misérables
Gavin Lee, Mary Poppins
Orville Mendoza, Adrift in Macao
David Pittu, LoveMusik

Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical:
Linda Balgord, The Pirate Queen
Celia Keenan-Bolger, Les Misérables
Debra Monk, Curtains
Orfeh, Legally Blonde
Barbara Walsh, Company
Karen Ziemba, Curtains

Outstanding Director of a Play:
Declan Donnellan, Twelfth Night
Michael Grandage, Frost/Nixon
Doug Hughes, Inherit the Wind
Jack O'Brien, The Coast of Utopia
Ciarán O'Reilly, The Hairy Ape
Tom Ridgely, Marco Millions (based on lies)

Outstanding Director of a Musical:
John Doyle, Company
Thomas Kail, In the Heights
Michael Mayer, Spring Awakening
Jerry Mitchell, Legally Blonde
Harold Prince, LoveMusik
Alex Timbers, Gutenberg! The Musical!

Outstanding Choreography:
Patricia Birch, LoveMusik
Andy Blankenbuehler, In the Heights
Matthew Bourne, Edward Scissorhands
Matthew Bourne and Stephen Mear, Mary Poppins
Bill T. Jones, Spring Awakening
Jerry Mitchell, Legally Blonde

Outstanding Music:
John Kander, Curtains
Paul Leschen, Twist: Please, Sir, May I Have Some More?
Peter Melnick, Adrift in Macao
Lin-Manuel Miranda, In the Heights
Laurence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin, Legally Blonde
Duncan Sheik, Spring Awakening

Outstanding Lyrics:
Fred Ebb with added lyrics by John Kander and Rupert Holmes, Curtains
Lin-Manuel Miranda, In the Heights
Laurence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin, Legally Blonde
Steven Sater, Spring Awakening
Bill Strauss, Elaina Newport and Mark Eaton, Capitol Steps
Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman, Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me

Outstanding Book of a Musical:
Scott Brown and Anthony King, Gutenberg! The Musical!
Julian Fellowes, Mary Poppins
Heather Hach, Legally Blonde
Rupert Holmes and Peter Stone, Curtains
Steven Sater, Spring Awakening
Alfred Uhry, LoveMusik

Outstanding Music for a Play:
Mark Bennett, The Coast of Utopia
Adam Cork, Frost/Nixon
Gerard McBurney, Oliver Twist
The Propeller Company, The Taming of the Shrew
Ray Rizzo, Adam Rapp, and Lucas Papaelias, Essential Self-Defense
David Van Tieghem, Inherit the Wind

Outstanding Orchestrations:
William David Brohn, Curtains
Mary-Mitchell Campbell, Company
Alex Lacamoire and Bill Sherman, In the Heights
Duncan Sheik, Spring Awakening
Jonathan Tunick, The Apple Tree
Jonathan Tunick, LoveMusik

Outstanding Set Design of a Play:
Bob Crowley and Scott Pask, The Coast of Utopia
David Gallo, Radio Golf
David Korins, Essential Self-Defense
David Korins, Jack Goes Boating
Garin Marschall, Hell House
Scott Pask, Blackbird

Outstanding Set Design of a Musical:
Beowulf Boritt, LoveMusik
Bob Crowley, Mary Poppins
Anna Louizos, Curtains
Anna Louizos, In the Heights
David Rockwell, Legally Blonde
Kris Stone, Brundibar/But the Giraffe

Outstanding Costume Design:
Mara Blumenfeld, Lookingglass Alice
Judith Dolan, LoveMusik
William Ivey Long, Curtains
Santo Loquasto, Suddenly Last Summer
Robert Morgan, Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical
Catherine Zuber, The Coast of Utopia

Outstanding Lighting Design:
Howell Binkley LoveMusik
Maruti Evans, Blindness
Paul Gallo, Blackbird
Jonathan Mark, Prometheus Bound
Kenneth Posner, Brian MacDevitt, Natasha Katz, The Coast of Utopia
Japhy Weideman, Jack Goes Boating

Outstanding Sound Design:
Acme Sound Partners, In the Heights
Mark Bennett, The Coast of Utopia
Gregory Clarke, Journey's End
Duncan Robert Edwards, LoveMusik
Frank Gaeta, Dai (enough)
Richard Woodbury, Talk Radio

Outstanding Solo Performance:
Iris Bahr, Dai (enough)
Ed Harris, Wrecks
Capathia Jenkins, (mis)Understanding Mammy: The Hattie McDaniel Story
Anna Manahan, Sisters
Vanessa Redgrave, The Year of Magical Thinking
Nilaja Sun, No Child?

Unique Theatrical Experience:
Amajuba: Like Doves We Rise
Brundibar/But the Giraffe
Edward Scissorhands
Hell House

Special Award Winners:
Outstanding Ensemble: In the Heights
Outstanding Ensemble: Lebensraum
John Kander and Fred Ebb
Austin Pendleton
Transport Group
National Yiddish Theatre Folksbeine

Suddenly Last Summer获得最佳女主角最佳服装设计提名
Gale获提名最漂亮男主角最性感舞台男演员......就好了 XD 如果真有这个奖的话,我们来颁好了em23


[ 本帖最后由 cora 于 2007-5-1 17:56 编辑 ]


有啊我特别记得Gale说的It's a strange play,貌似还翻译了
应该是被偶放在某一页里面然后又忘了放在顶楼= =






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