[Hal] Hal Sparks 和他乐队的一些新动向

坛子里关于Hal Sparks的消息比较少,我就来做个引子吧:

Hal 最近的活动图片,在他个人的网站上应该有消息的:
GettyImages上面有Hal 出席一个艾滋病活动的图片,这个连接上也有很多Hal其他的图片。(虽然都有水印...)

关于他乐队 Zero 1 的消息:
LA Daily News 上面有关于他们准备发行CD的消息,我摘抄出来了:
Former "Queer As Folk" regular Hal Sparks reports there's a very personal tune on the "Zero 1" CD he's getting ready to release with his band. "It's called 'Indian Summer,' and it's about a girl I knew in high school who died in a car accident. She was drunk and she drove into a ravine and she and one of the other kids was killed," he recalls.

"I remember I had a huge crush on her but never worked up the nerve to walk the 8 feet across the hallway to say . I keep thinking had I done that maybe she wouldn't have been at that party."

The comedian-cum-actor, who's currently hosting the reality series "Survival of the Richest," says, "It's not that I feel really guilty, but I definitely regret that, so I deal with it openly as much as I can in my music."

Sparks is putting his CD out independently, and it will be available through halsparks.com and CDBaby.com. "I've gotten offers from record labels, but it's like do you want to make 10 cents on your record or $10?" He and the band plan to head out on a world tour this summer, and proceeds from the Stateside tour will benefit "the Save the Music Foundation for VH-1," he says. "I'm a big believer in musical education. Music alters the Brian and makes you think better. So my goal is to give a guitar to each local chapter to pass on to some kid to use."

大意是:这张由他们自己独立发行的CD里面,有首“Indian Summer”是关于Hal 高中喜欢的一个死于车祸的女孩。他们还提到了要世界巡回演出吧(world tour)。

Hal Sparks的个人网站上会有他们CD的消息:http://www.halsparks.com/

原帖由 Marlene 于 2006-5-14 14:10 发表
好像索第一次抢到cora的沙发! em29


Music alters the Brian and makes you think better.
em08  奇怪的是帖子 ...




原帖由 城堡 于 2006-5-14 22:05 发表

不客气:)   他的官网应该挺多东东看的
Hal 的个人网站很酷,赞一个~同时祝愿他们的新 CD 大卖(虽然他们是独立发行...)


原帖由 family11 于 2006-5-14 23:26 发表




Hal 是个很活跃的人,从他的演艺经历甚至着装打扮言行举止都可以看得出来。在饰演Michael 时真正融入到这个角色,恰恰说明Hal Sparks是一位优秀的演员。


[ 本帖最后由 cora 于 2006-5-14 23:48 编辑 ]


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