[Gale] 2012年7月16日Gale出席AfterElton Hot 100 Party【9.5更新It Gets Better】

本帖最后由 cora 于 2012-9-7 21:29 编辑

2012年7月16日傍晚,Gale出席在洛杉矶举行的AfterElton Hot 100 Party

参加party的同时,Gale也为It Gets Better Project录制了一段视频:

Gale谈到了自己生命中的hero(他提到了田纳西·威廉斯,本贴末尾采访也提到Marlene Dietrich),并鼓励广大青年们不要放弃希望,这个世界正在变得更好。

You know, I was recently speaking with someone about my heroes… looking to my heroes and I would really recommend that to all of you: that you don't forget who your heroes are, what… what that means t'you and why they mean that to you.

And one thing that I can say is so many of mine, were the most important people of my life, moved through what a lot of you are going through right now, and they stayed true no matter how painful and they'd probably considered backing out many times, but I thank God they didn't. For instance, someone like Tennessee Williams. If he hadn't done what he did, we wouldn't have that beautiful art to read and to watch on stage and tell us stories that he couldn't speak out truthfully and honestly at the time.

But we watch them now, we see that history and we see the love and the passion and the commitment that it takes to be unaccepted, for a time, maybe disrespected, for a time, but the truth will come out: it gets better!

关于<It Gets Better>公益运动: https://www.qafone.cc/viewthread.php?tid=131450


"Queer As Folk fans, Gale Harold has arrived at the Hot 100 party!"

消息来源:http://afterelton.tumblr.com/pos ... -has-arrived-at-the

Gale在6月底公布的2012年AfterElton Hot 100中排名第15 (完整名单:http://www.afterelton.com/2012-hot-100/)

Long time no see Mr. Harold{:3_250:}


这是要打呵欠么 XD

修长的手指和超酷的纹身也来抢镜了...:s41(照片来自Adrian Voo @adgevoo)

Jim Halterman推了一张和Gale的合照。Jim Halterman拥有自己的专栏博客,曾经采访过Gale几次,还在博客上搞过投票活动赠送Gale的签名照。

Hey Jim when you saw gale harold did you ask what he's working on now? What? Inquiring minds want to know.
No big scoop.He said he was working on getting some projects going but nothing specific...but I will stay on his trail for you.


AfterElton的网站上有篇报道Hot 100 Party的文章提到Gale:
Gale Harold's favorite homosexual of all time is Marlene Dietrich, and his favorite Dietrich movie is The Blue Angel. Mine is Witness for the Prosecution. Clearly we stopped speaking.
Gale Harold最欣赏的同性icon是Marlene Dietrich,最爱的Dietrich电影是<The Blue Angel>. 而笔者最爱的Dietrich电影是<Witness for the Prosecution>,和Gale不大一样哈。


*Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992):德裔美国演员兼歌手。1999年,她被美国电影学会选为百年来最伟大的女演员第9名。Dietrich通过她中性的气质征服了公众,她支持男女平等且经常穿着男装,这在当时是非常受到争议的。但也因此,她成为了二次世界大战中妇女运动的偶像。由于她是名双性恋者,因此也成为同性恋的代表人物。

<The Blue Angel>:1930年是Dietrich在根据德国作家亨利希·曼的小说<垃圾教授>为蓝本改编的电影<蓝天使>(The Blue Angel)中饰演罗拉一角,其中演唱了歌曲《我从头到脚为爱而生》(Ich bin von Kopf bis Fu&szlig; auf Liebe eingestellt)而红遍全球,

Marlene Dietrich


  • sandy_6836

  • hpl

明明 发表于 2012-7-17 14:08

刚开始没看习惯他戴眼镜,从去年1月那副硕大的眼镜开始,到今天这幅大小适中突出他脸部优点的眼镜,他已经完全驾驭了怎样低调地显露自己的锋芒啊...chic & hipster!!

Gale的造型 又可愛 又性感 又萌 真是符合這個活動主題
hpl 发表于 2012-7-17 19:11

本来对这种烧毁T无感...现在想马上跑到街上各种颜色买一件 XDD

zhuanyong20101 发表于 2012-7-17 14:36


PS. 他是不是吃了天山雪莲不老仙丹啊...求团购啊老大 XD


Gale为It Gets Better发声啦!{:5_304:}


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