[电影] 同志穿行美国记事/On the Bus[AVI][700M][无字][115][应求]

英文名称:On the Bus
电影导演:Dustin Lance Black
电影演员:Dustin Lance Black
     Damon Intrabartolo .... Kinsley, Charles
     William Kaufman
     Charles Kinsley
     Jimmy Sjodin
     Jason Webb
时长:97 分钟

  导演Dustin Lance Black的本意是要做一个半小时的网上真人秀节目,然而当他结束旅程面对着一个星期以来拍摄的60个小时的电影胶片, 他发现这绝非一个半小时的网上节目可以涵盖的故事。。。于是就诞生了我们现在看到这部纪录片。


  这部好玩而性感的MTV式的电影的主角是6位年轻而性感的同志。他们挤进一辆大巴(大巴其实叫RV:Recreational Vehicle——娱乐车;内部有全套生活设施),开始了公路旅行,目的地是内华达州沙漠中声名狼藉德另类艺术节:Burning Man。  (音乐人Damon Intrabartolo是车上唯一的丑男,当时投资方要求选的乘客必须是帅哥,但他在导演的坚持下还是上车了)

  镜头里的6位男生此前是彻底的陌生人,旅程使他们之间建立起新的友谊(或者憎恶),同时他们也一同探寻这艺术节上的黑暗、自由、欢乐和冒险。艺术节“Burning Man” 是一个异教徒的节日,大家在一起欢庆爱情和生命,男孩们在这个狂欢节上尝试各种极端和激进的事情。为时一周的艺术节融合了嬉皮和同志文化,其核心活动是闭幕式上将巨大的柳条编制的男人烧掉。在大家聚居的沙漠里充斥着各种狂野的服装,人们无时不刻的狂欢、吸毒和做爱,这些男孩子们也在各种探险和尝试中对同伴和自己都有了更多的了解。除了Damon之外其他5个男孩间的性的紧张感无处不在,这确实滋生了男孩间的敌对和竞争。


On The Bus' original intention was to be a fun-loving, rambunctious, half-hour Internet program about a group of young, gay men on a bus trip from Los Angeles to Burning Man, a festival of radical self expression in the Nevada desert. However, after returning from a week of shooting, stereotypes had fallen apart, and it became clear that this story had far more to tell than a half hour internet show could lend. Almost immediately On The Bus challenges the viewer with the notion that "Even in absolute freedom, some things are still sacred." - Damon Intrabartolo (cast member #6) . It is here that Director Dustin Lance Black begins this story. Lance is hired by The Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) to produce, direct and participate in an Internet reality show with an all gay cast. He then hires Billy Kaufman as co-producer and cast member number two. Charles Kinsley, a gorgeous actor/waiter, Jason Webb, porn star Dean O'Conner, and Jimmy Sjodin, a Swedish Olympic diver soon follow. Concerned with the Network's desire to cast only the most attractive men, director Dustin Lance Black lobbies hard to include Damon Intrabartolo, an average looking music composer, who climbs on board armed with wry observations, and a biting wit. Once on the road, bumps along the way lend to an unplanned sleep-over in a Reno hotel. It is here that sexual tensions breed rivalry, the most intimate details of these fast new friends are revealed, and question number two arises, "Sex, Sex, Sex, maybe that's all there is." - frustrated director Dustin Lance Black. Arriving at Burning Man, it would seem that nothing is too radical or extreme for the adventuresome sextet. Innocence and experience come face to face as members of the cast explore the sexuality, drug culture, and wild freedom of the event. However, when sexual tensions finally come to a head, a sandstorm smashes through their campsite acting as a metaphor for the group's inner turmoil. Over the course of the week the show evolves, and sexual tensions take a back seat as the cameras delve into the often-conflicted souls of this eclectic group, shattering the happy-go-lucky stereotypes they were originally brought on board to brandish. Through newfound friendships, and forming animosities, these young men explore the darkness, freedom, joy, and adventure of Nevada's annual Burning Man event, and come out questioning the roles they play and the masks they wear in their daily lives.

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