原帖由 shuangwu 于 2008-1-2 11:54 发表
Prison Break should get higher rank, Michael Scofield is so attractive.

Michael Scofield compare with Brian, which one u think is more attractive?


原帖由 shuangwu 于 2008-1-2 13:34 发表
They are totally different types of characters,
so it's hard to me to choose only one of them, I love them both.
Oh, by the way, I just wrote a letter to Wentworth Miller(Scofield), and the ...

For me, I watched PB before QAF, and I love Wentworth immediately. After I watched QAF, I love Gale more than I love Wentworth. Wentworth is like a next door boy, but Gale is a boy u admire and never get close.

So glad to hear that u can get an autograph from Wentworth, and u will never easy to get one from Gale.

[ 本帖最后由 QAFlover 于 2008-1-3 03:46 编辑 ]


原帖由 shuangwu 于 2008-1-3 04:29 发表

Yeah, Gale is a hermit, I searched "Gale Harold" at Google News, and the results came back only three.

Do u think it means he is not popular at all. I believe if u search by Wentworth the results will be plenty.


I hate to say that too. But the truth is if u do not do u best, the audiences will forget about u at all whatever how much they love u before.  
I hope it's not Gale's wish. Oh, God,  I love him so much.


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