Lovable melan-ball RANDY HARRISON told me he stopped watching the show two years ago because “it’s exhausting enough to shoot. I’ve seen myself as Justin so much it bores me. ”What hasn’t bored Randy for the last two years is his relationship with writer-editor SIMON DUMENCO, whom he met when he was interviewed by Dumenco for New York magazine. Excuse me, people, but I do up to 15 interviews a day and I still am my own wife!

IWM: A gossip column recently revealed that you are in a relationship with actor Randy Harrison of Showtime’s “Queer as Folk”. Has your personal relationship given you any insights into celebrity journalism?
Dumenco: I’ve discovered that a surprising number of “celebrity journalists” are unable to distinguish between an actor and the character he plays on television. Randy has literally had interviewers ask him how he felt when his character experienced something on the show. They’ll ask him how it felt to have “gone through” a fictional circumstance -- as if Randy personally experienced his character’s storyline.
I guess it’s a testament to his acting talent that people confuse him with the character he plays -- a character, incidentally, with whom he has almost nothing in common. But it’s disappointing when journalists make that same idiotic mistake. I suppose the conceptual confusion has to do with the blurring of the boundaries between dramas and reality television, and what’s made up and what’s real in “celebrity journalism.” Fiction is passed off as fact so often these days that fiction is often automatically presumed to be fact.


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