楼上说的Justin问why didn't you come to see me?的地方我也是印象深刻!!

第四季里Brian得了cancer要去动手术, Brian说他要一个人去Ibiza, Justin问为什么without him, Brian不能告诉Justin真正的原因, 而跟Justin吵了起来, 这里Brian发火的一段, Gale和Randy演得实在是太好了!!

特别是Justin也发现了Brian的异常, 非常理解地说 Look, if I did something or said something to piss you off, I didn't mean to. You go do whatever you have to do for whatever reason you have to do it. I just want you to know I love you. And I'll be here when you get back.

这里小J的眼神真是...太**了. (原谅我, 我实在是找不到合适的词来形容......)

然后Justin走后, Brian砸灯的场景也实在是印象深刻!!

每次看到这里, 我都特别难受......

[ Last edited by halfoftheocean on 2005-12-16 at 13:37 ]
Life is a melody, why all the tragedies...


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