谢谢 分享 这个 。。 很期待 。。。
大家   都 被 2 个 演员  和故事 给 迷倒 了 。(我也是 。。哈 )   
也 google  到 了 有关 这 个 导演 的 信息。  贴在这 了 。。 有感兴趣的 可以看一下 。信息来源于 http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/231960347/keep-the-lights-on  
该网页 上 还有 有关这 个 电影 的 故事简介,为了 避免剧透, 该内容 我 就 不 贴在 这 了 。

Ira Sachs is a writer and director based in New York City. His films include MARRIED LIFE (2007), THE DELTA (1997), and the 2005 Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winning FORTY SHADES OF BLUE. His most recent film, LAST ADDRESS, a short work honoring a group of NYC artists who died of AIDS, has been acquired as part of the permanent collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art and MoMA, and will be seen this September at the Venice BIennale. Sachs teaches in the Graduate Film department at NYU, and is a fellow at both the MacDowell Colony and Yaddo. He is also the founder and co-curator of Queer/Art/Film, a monthly series held at the IFC Center in New York, as well as the newly established Queer/Art/Mentorship, a program that pairs and supports mentorship between queer working artists in NYC.


keep the lights on  的 国际首映 将是 在 今年2月9-19号 的62届柏林电影节 上 。。 所以 视乎 我们 也 很快就 可以 看到这个 了哈


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