[Randy] Randy和fans-club新的误会

本帖最后由 gulinara 于 2011-7-7 06:12 编辑

前几天在网络出现了不少关于Randy和他的fans-club 新的误会。听说都是因为以前的video也有这个Video的gif.谁知道具体的情况?

本帖最后由 gulinara 于 2011-7-10 21:38 编辑

回复 2# sandy_6836

你以前在这里eatsomefuckingchickensoup.tumblr.com/post/72195... 有了这封信

Dear Mr. Harrison,

Even though your fans may not know you personally, you should at least have the decency to respect them. When something is posted on the internet (even if it is posted by your friend and not yourself personally), it is not your property anymore. This is why we have warnings about putting personal things on the internet, and even if it IS on the internet; your friend should have had the sense enough to put it on private where only HER friends could see it. When you are in the public image (whether it be with a major television show or your mediocre plays), you are BOUND to accumulate fans. These fans may look up to you, and may even be looking to go into the profession that you are in; so I don’t see how it would kill you to at least smile every once in a while, or you know.. show them the common courtesy to sign a paper once in a blue moon. In ten years, you may not even have these fans anymore. So if I were you, I would consider appreciating them now. I know that you feel that you have been wronged by having your video taken and spread around the internet; however, your friend should acknowledge the fact that she PUT IT ON the internet.. instead of chastising and singling out a person, and thus claiming them to be a “stalker”. It is those acts that will lose you fans, and really.. if you think about it, Randy.. you’re lucky to have fans when rarely respect them.
不过在 http://tsarina23.tumblr.com/post/7223665946/dear-mr-harrison 网页还这个。。。。
I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this. I obviously don’t know all of the circumstances that led to this post, but based on what I’m reading, Randy has every right to be upset when his personal pictures/videos are reposted to the internet. Just because the internet gives us free and easy access does not make this information public property. Randy’s pictures, etc. ALWAYS, ALWAYS belong to him. That’s just a matter of copyright law, but it’s also a matter of personal respect. You busted him out for not respecting his fans, when it is a blatant disrespect on our part to post his personal items in a public forum without his consent.

Randy may be an actor, but it’s pretty obvious that he is a private person and does not have any interest in being a “typical” celebrity. So please don’t confuse his desire to keep his private-life private with his attitude toward his fans. Those are really two separate worlds and we should respect that. We are entitled to nothing that he does not wish to give us.

Also, I hope he’s addressed these security concerns with his friends, because, really?


都是三天前的消息。也有跟Video有关的gif. 不过我不会把它传上。技术不行:))))但是在网上有。




回复 5# cora

? 有这样的可能性吗?
不是以前RX也说了不少关于fans的话吗?人家都知道他不太喜欢fans, 特别是GERL-FANS。


回复 14# hpl



回复 13# cora


回复 13# cora [

  但是据我所了解上面用英语写的信, 这些人好像生气了。说明RANDY给他们写的东西不是很礼貌的。我不是不喜欢RANGY,我只是不明白这一点。


回复 20# cora



本帖最后由 gulinara 于 2011-7-6 22:21 编辑

回复 5# cora



本帖最后由 gulinara 于 2011-7-7 06:48 编辑

回复 24# cora

http://drewkicksass.tumblr.com/p ... son-caps-more-derps


Randy 都穿了不一样的衣服了。(请你看一下gif,caps 和照片)。我想video的内容不只是跟“Randy和他的法国朋友们很轻松地在家玩rock band电视游戏,还有在游乐园坐过山车”有关系。应该有别的意思,所以才有这样的Randy的反应……


回复 28# coswj



回复 27# 和田晶



回复 26# cora



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