本帖最后由 sandy_6836 于 2010-4-5 13:30 编辑


Good evening, everyone!

首先, 我想说 很高兴今晚在亚特兰大和你们在一起
First, I'd like to say that I'm very happy to be here with you in Atlanta tonight.

我在这里出生, 长大...偶尔在这些幸运的街道上度过很多时光
I was born and raised here, um...I spent a lot of time on lucky streets from time to time

因此它带给我很多美好的回忆 CMF也是在亚特兰大诞生并成长令人很激动也很振奋
so it brings back very good memories  and very excited and inspired that  Campus Moviefest
was also born and raised in Atlanta.

我想说 在这里你们应该为能拥有你们的作品而感到非常自豪
and I'd just like to say that I think you all should be very proud to have your material here.

I think it's great that they're providing gear and opportunity for new filmmakers to develop new work.

and it is my honor to be able to present the award for Campus Moviefest's best drama.

得知你们的机构是从这里开始的..让人激动, 振奋人心
Gale: Knowing that your organization comes from here..it's exciting, you know, it's inspiring,

I think a lot of things I heard... the ones that I've been paying attention to tonight's talking...it's all really true,

just um...providing some sort of...almost untouchable opportunity for people.

给他们提供了一种工作环境, 不仅仅是得到器材及反馈
They have access to an environment, not only to get, you know, gear and some feedback,

but then have the opportunity to put their material up,

and have their,...you know...have their compatriots watch it and have well judged

and then that learning experience is hard to come by

如果你没有上过大学 没有上过影视学院
if you haven't gone through university, you haven't been to film school

或者你没有下过苦功, 就像一个契机
or if you haven't been slogging it out.  It's really a jump-start

这真的..它的价值真是令人难以置信 因为很多人..他们确实精力耗尽
you know..that..it's incredibly valuable. Because a lot of people, they...they do burn out

或者他们在现实世界里迷失 忙于生计而没有机会去真正地关注他们自己的作品
or they get lost in the real world trying to pay their rent without having a chance to really see their work  

and an environment where they can see the people they work with, they respect
they...are in the competition with whatever you know,

so it's very important

我只是很高兴它是来自这个城镇 因为我不太经常在这里, 所以...
I'm just glad that it's from this town, cos I don't get to be here very much, so...  

我觉得像CMF这样组织举办这样的活动非常让人振奋  如果你有什么想法
I think that it's inspiring that their organizations like CMF are doing it and if you have an idea,

将它写下来 动手做并把它做出来. 大家会支持你的. 努力争取机会.
write it down, and get it in and make it. And you got some some you heard that will support you. Go for it, you know.


  • dormouse


more and more沧桑的Gale~~~~


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