
I was in NYC on Saturday, to see The Temperamentals in the evening and to volunteer at Red Bull in the afternoon, helping them set up for the Duchess of Malfi party.
周六我在纽约,看晚上的Temperamentals, 下午我在红牛当志愿者, 帮助他们准备Duchess of Malfi party.

I'd been wanting to volunteer at Red Bull for a while but it just didn't happen until now. Everybody was so nice and awesome. I had such a great time helping out. My reward for helping? My friend and I were invited to attend the party! So my friend and I came back for the party after we were done seeing The Temperamentals (great play, btw – you should go see it if you can). It was a lot of fun and it was nice to see the finished product of the party setup. :-) The theme was A Night on the Amalfi Coast and it was so nice! There was a lot of good food and wine and desserts. And Armani chocolate! I didn't even know Armani made chocolate but it was yummy!
有一段时间我很想给红牛当志愿者, 但是一直没实现. 每个人都很友善 很棒. 能提供这样的帮助真是太棒了 奖励是? 我和我的朋友应邀参加了晚会! 我俩干完活之后来到了晚会观看The Temperamentals(演出很棒, 顺便说一句-如果条件允许的话你真应该去看看) 晚会相当不错 而且能看得到晚会准备的成品. 晚会主题是阿尔马菲海岸之夜 很棒! 有很多美食 酒和甜点. 还有阿玛尼巧克力! 我甚至都不知道阿玛尼还出巧克力 但是它很美味!

I did see Randy. He was actually one of the first to show up for the party. Typical, lol. I eventually talked with him near the dessert table (also typical, lol). He was in a great mood. He mixed and mingled and we had a very nice conversation. I asked him what he thought of the play and he said he really liked it. I mentioned that my friend saw it earlier in the week but that I hadn't seen it yet and he was like, "Oh, you didn't see it tonight?" I said, "No. I was here to help set up the party but my friend and I had tickets for The Temperamentals tonight." He said, "Oh, it's really good. You should see it." I said I was looking to come back next weekend to see it and he said, "You should. You'd like it." We talked about Endgame and his casting as Nagg. He agreed that his casting as Nagg was unusual. He was surprisingly candid on he subject, actually. We talked about Beckett and BTF. It was nice to have a conversation with him where neither of us were in a rush.
我真的见到了Randy. 他是晚会上第一个亮相的. 还是一贯的 大爱, 最后在甜点桌旁边我跟他交谈了一会(还是一贯的 大爱). 他的心情很不错. 混杂中我们进行了一次愉快的谈话. 我问他对演出的看法 他说他很喜欢这个演出. 我提到了朋友这周早些时候看过 但是我还没看过 他这样说"哦, 你今晚没看?" 我说"没呢, 我是过来帮忙安排晚会的 我今晚有The Temperamentals的票." 他说"哦, 那真是太棒了, 你该看看." 我说我正打算下周末回来再看, 他说:"一定, 你一定会喜欢的." 我们谈论了会Endgame和他扮演的Nagg这个角色. 他也觉得Nagg这个角色很不寻常. 事实上对于扮演的角色 他相当坦率. 我们还谈到了Beckett and BTF. 跟他这样轻松自在地谈话真好.

Later, as we were leaving my friend wanted to say goodbye to Randy (she hadn't been present during my earlier conversation with him) and we had a little more conversation with him. I asked him if he had anything coming up before BTF and he said not that he knew of. I said, "Well, we're hear of it if you do." And he said, "You'll probably know before I do!" I said, "I'm SURE you'll know before we do!" LOL We talked a little more about a play I was reading and then we said our goodbyes and my friend mentioned we had to catch the bus and he said, "Have a safe ride".
后来, 我们要走的时候 朋友想跟Randy告别(早先我跟他谈话的时候她不在场) 所以我们就又谈了一会. 我问他是否在BTF之前还会有别的什么演出 他说目前还不知道," 恩,如果有的话我们会听说的!" 他说:"你们可能会比我先知道!" 我说:"我确信你肯定比我们先知道!" 大爱..我们继续谈论了我正在读的一个剧本, 然后我们告别了 朋友提起我们要搭乘的巴士 他说:"注意安全"

A great end to a very nice day.




本帖最后由 sandy_6836 于 2010-3-8 10:06 编辑

[原创]哈哈 我来了,终于ps好了一张最新现实高清版的GR在B的Loft里的大图 嘿嘿,大家不要吃惊哦 手艺粗糙 不要拍我哈 看的时候一定要把你们的嘴合拢哦~~因为我都看得见你们的表情,嘿嘿~~


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