what  means "a bit combustible" ????????!!!!!!




Review of The Glass Menagerie


”Harrison carries this burden with aplomb, positioning young Tom as a restless kid at once resigned to and resentful of the responsibilities that have been thrust upon him.“


“Harrison is a bit combustible, but he does not overact. He and Jonas Goslow, as O'Connor, round out a fine cast.”

what  means "a bit combustible" ????????!!!!!!em30 em30

[ 本帖最后由 qqqq2046 于 2007-1-29 03:06 编辑 ]












原帖由 dchx 于 2007-1-24 14:26 发表
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原帖由 dchx 于 2007-1-24 14:26 发表
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em23 D大简直爱死你鸟~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


原帖由 genis 于 2007-1-24 20:01 发表


[ 本帖最后由 ttnancy 于 2007-1-24 21:39 编辑 ]




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可不可以来中国巡演呀 (白日梦ING..)










em04 em04 em04 深更半夜HC到语无伦次……Tommy偶爱你……






无限HCing... Randy



em23 em23 em23





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Harriet Harris (Amanda Wingfield) and Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson

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Harriet Harris (Amanda Wingfield) and Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson

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Tracey Maloney (Laura Wingfield), Harriet Harris (Amanda Wingfield) and Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson  

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Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson  

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Harriet Harris (Amanda Wingfield), Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield), Tracey Maloney (Laura Wingfield). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson  

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Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield) and Harriet Harris (Amanda Wingfield). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson 254

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A scene from the Guthrie production of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie. Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson  

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Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield) and Harriet Harris (Amanda Wingfield). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson  

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Bill McCallum (Tom Wingfield) and Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson

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Randy Harrison (Tom Wingfield) and Jonas Goslow (Jim O’Connor). Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson

Held to the light, Guthrie's GLASS is absolute perfection ...
BY  Mr Lee
It starts with a blank stage and the simple strike of a match ... an aged Tom Wingfield (Bill McCallum) methodically pulls together the scene, and the audience embarks on a soothing journey into the past as director Joe Dowling brings his twist to Tennesee Williams' "A GLASS MENAGERIE" opening Jan. 26th on the McGuire Proscenium stage.

The most interesting of Dowling's touches is his casting split of Tom. McCallum does a stellar job guiding the audience though the story, as Young Tom (Randy Harrison) lives each moment in the past. Crossing paths at a few specific moments during the night, highlight moments that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. This certainly isn't your 9th grade English class interpretation of an old standard.

The cast of five, led by Harriet Harris (Amanda Wingfield), bring their past roles and experiences to the production. As the overbearing mother, it's clear to see how Harris held her own during her stay on Wisteria Lane. Her defeat in Act II comes with such precise emotion, that you almost feel as if you're sitting awkwardly along side her in the living room.

Quirks from his Queer as Folk days come through in Harrison's performance, though the audience (which included a few hard core fans on Sunday night) seem to easily embraced them, and for people with no background on his gay Showtime life, they'll not find them distracting in the least. Though, at times, it's hard to tell who's leading who, both Harrison and McCallum certainly seem to be sewn from the same cloth, giving a unified take on the role. Our little Justin has definitely grown up!

Tracey Maloney (Laura Wingfield) proves critics of the Guthrie's New York casting trend right, showing that Minneapolis does indeed hold some great talent in its ranks. Having followed the journey from her days at the Hidden Theatre, Maloney shines in her role (almost as if it was written specifically for her) which will hopefully serving as the perfect launching pad for a national career.

Jonas Goslow (Jim O'Connor) gives a suprise performance as the Act II gentleman caller after getting mixed reviews from his turn in last fall's "The Real Thing." This go around, his charisma fills the room and serves as a nice point-counterpoint to his scenes with Maloney's Laura.

Though this probably would've been my pick to kick off the 2007 season in the Proscenium, instead of the sometimes chewy "Thing," the mood pairs nicely with the dropping temperatures both inside and out (the winter season is back in session Mr. Dowling, so it's time to turn the big blue box's heater up).

If you go into this show expecting only greatness from Harris and Harrison, you will be presently rewarded with stellar performances by all five actors.

The soothing music that starts the tale closes it out as well, with a very cinematic ending as each character is pulled from the tale and Tom speaks one of the nights most chilling lines: "Blow out your candles, Laura."

My review in a nutshell:
Local favorites blends seamlessly with national talent in one of director Joe Dowling's best pieces of late. 5 STARS (LITERALLY!) - THIS IS A MUST SEE

A Tale of Two TomsRandy Harrison and Bill McCallum share the plum role of Tom Wingfield in The Glass Menagerie at the GuthrieBy: Michael Portantiere
Randy Harrison in The Glass Menagerie
(© T. Charles Erickson)
"It's very exciting when you know a play so well from seeing it and then you actually do it," says Joe Dowling, director of the Guthrie Theater's unusual new production of Tennesee Williams' The Glass Menagerie. "The first time I saw the play was many years ago in Dublin. It was a little odd hearing the Irish actors trying to play the Southern dialect, but the richness of the play came through. Even though it's a great American poetic classic, it translates to every culture."
Like so many theatergoers before them, Guthrie audiences are laughing and weeping at the joys and sorrows experienced by Tom Wingfield, his painfully shy sister Laura, and their domineering, exasperating, loving mother Amanda as they live through the Great Depression in a small St. Louis apartment. The Menagerie cast includes Tony Award winner Harriet Harris as Amanda, Tracey Maloney as Laura, and Jonas Goslow as the "Gentleman Caller." What makes this production unusual is that Dowling has split the role of Tom between two actors: Randy Harrison, best known for his work as Justin Taylor on TV's Queer as Folk, and Guthrie favorite Bill McCallum. "Tom is quite clearly 22 in the play," notes Dowling, "and I suppose he's in his late 30s or early 40s when he's looking back and narrating. Often, the role is cast somewhere in the middle of that age range, to bridge both of those worlds. Randy was so compelling when he auditioned for us in New York, but I wondered: 'Could a Tom who looks that young and vulnerable be believable as the older man looking back?' So I thought, why not split the role? In the stage directions, Williams writes that 'the narrator is an undisguised convention of the play; he takes whatever license with dramatic convention that is convenient to his purposes.' I thought, 'Okay, I'm going to take you up on that, Tennessee!' " Harrison, whose stage credits include the Berkshire Theatre Festival productions of Amadeus and Equus, is delighted to have a go at Tom. "I've been in love with this play since I was a young teen," he says. "They did it at my high school in Georgia, but I didn't get cast. That production was the only one I've ever seen -- but the play is so brilliantly written that, when you read it, you immediately understand what the characters are experiencing and fighting for. And it's so fluid that it feels so different every time we run it. I'm excited that we have a nice, long run, because it's going to be great to live in this play for a while." Of the two-Tom concept, Harrison remarks: "It's fascinating, and I definitely think certain things about the script are illuminated that aren't always clear when it's done as written. Bill McCallum and I look a lot alike, and we have a few moments of simultaneous speech to help tie us together. There are also moments when he's observing the action. I think the audience is more aware that the play is this person's memory, and that there's some distance between where is now and what he's remembering."
Bill McCallum in The Glass Menagerie
(© T. Charles Erickson)
McCallum has made an attempt to meld his characterization with Harrison's. "Randy has the bulk of the stage time," he says, "so I've tried to match my own voice, movements, and gestures to his. We listen closely to each other, and I've been watching how he stands, where he holds his weight. I think it's believable to the audience that the guy Randy is could grow up to be the guy that I am. For my money, the splitting of the role adds another level of complexity or depth to the story; you actually see the play as a retrospective, and you're more aware of the repercussions that the younger character's choices have had on the course of his life." "Older Tom is never on stage alone," explains Dowling. "Young Tom is always there with him. There's a definite sense that this man is devastated by his memories. Of course, Williams was really writing about his sister Rose; she had a lobotomy and, for the rest of his life, he was guilty over the fact that he didn't prevent it. When you know that, the line 'Blow out your candles, Laura' becomes very, very meaningful." McCallum wholeheartedly concurs: "At the end of the play, when you have Laura and Amanda left on stage, young Tom standing with his back to them, and older Tom saying, 'Here's what happened to me after this' -- well, the moment is just a little bit more devastating than usual."







原帖由 brijus 于 2007-1-18 03:40 发表
如果有一天我見著了Randy, 他身上穿著帶有帽子的上衣或外套, 我發誓我會撲倒他......

哈哈  好像很多人喜欢他穿戴帽子的衣服啊   不过确实很可爱啊
但是他在剧中几乎就没穿过(除了跳舞那几秒钟) 不知道为什么


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